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Vba Download Zip File From Url: Learn How to Automate Your Tasks


I will be downloading a test file from Internode at the following URL: The scripts will be executed 10 times each with the average displayed as the result.

Vba Download Zip File From Url

With the cmdlet already available it is super easy to get started and use. Integration with Write-Progress is handy while watching paint dry scripts run (assuming you know the total file size). Cookies can also be persisted between mutiple requests through the use of the -Session and -WebSession parameters.

Speed. This cmdlet is slow. From what I have observed, the HTTP response stream is buffered into memory. Once the file has been fully loaded, it is flushed to disk. This adds a huge performance hit and potential memory issues for large files. If anyone knows specifics on how this cmdlet operates, let me know!.

Performance is good enough for small downloads, but there are definitely better options for situations where speed is required. If the script is to be run on a server running Windows Server Core, choose a more universal method.

This method is also easy to use. Not as syntactically nice as Invoke-RestMethod - yet can still be executed on a single line. Speed is great as the HTTP response stream is buffered to disk throughout the download process.

There is no visible progress indicator (or any way to query the progress mid transfer). It essentially blocks the thread until the download completes or fails. This isn't a major con, however sometimes it is handy to know how far through the transfer you are.

System.Net.WebClient is my preferred option when file downloads are required. Anything that increases the performance of my scripts is a winner in my books. This method is also fully compatible on Server Core machines and 100% compatible with your Azure Automation runbooks.

This method proved to be the fastest in my test cases! Extensive integration with Write-Progress gives you a clear indicator of the file size and progress. The -Asynchronous flag can be used to queue transfers asychronously. This method is also incredibly flexible supporting separate credentials for the destination server AND web proxy, if required.

This method is perfect for scenarios where you want to limit the bandwidth used in a file download or where time isn't a major issue. I have used this to sync files nightly at full speed and during the day at half speed using Transfer Policies. BITS is also easy to monitor and audit.

There are so many possibilities around scripts, downloading multiple files at the same time, auto extracting ZIP files, the list goes on and on. If you ever wanted to download the various Windows patching files from the Windows Update Catalog, you could script it if you have the exact URL.

You will certainly come across files that require authentication before downloading. If this is the case, you can use the -Credential switch on Invoke-WebRequest to handle these downloads.

You can download files and folders from Microsoft OneDrive, or from SharePoint in Microsoft 365, SharePoint Server Subscription Edition, or SharePoint Server 2019 to your computer with just a few clicks.

To download individual or multiple files, select each item by clicking the circle check box that appears. (The left image below shows items in List view, the right image shows items in Tiles or Photos view.) (You can also select several files at once by selecting one file, scrolling down the list, then hold down the Shift key while left-clicking the last item you want to select.)

If your browser prompts you, choose Save or Save As and browse to the location where you want to save the download. (Some browsers just start saving right away to a Downloads folder on your computer.)

If you need to free up space on your OneDrive, download your file or folder to a location outside of your OneDrive folders (see below). You can then delete the OneDrive copy of the file or folder to reduce your storage amount.

If you select multiple files or folders and then select Download from Microsoft OneDrive, SharePoint in Microsoft 365, or from SharePoint Server Subscription Edition, your browser will start downloading a .zip file containing all the files and folders you selected. If you're in a folder and you select Download without selecting any files or folders, your browser will begin downloading all contents of the folder.

On a mobile device, you can make files available offline, which is similar to downloading files. From the OneDrive app in iOS, Android, or Windows 10 phone, look for the Offline icon ( for Android or iOS, or for Windows mobile devices).

Being able to automate data retrieval helps alleviate encountering irritating, repetitive tasks. Often times, these data files can be separated by a range of times, site locations, or even type of measurement, causing them to be cumbersome to download manually. This blog post outlines how to download multiple zipped csv files from a webpage using both R and Python.

We will specifically explore downloading historical hourly locational marginal pricing (LMP) data files from PJM, a regional transmission organization coordinating a wholesale electricity market across 13 Midwestern, Southeastern, and Northeastern states. The files in question are located here.

Now that we can create the URL for this specific file type by calling the url_creator function and have all of the dates we may be interested in, we need to be able to access, download, unzip/extract, and subsequently save these files. Utilizing the urllib library, we can request and download the zipped file. Note that urllib.request.urlretrieve only retrieves the files and does not attempt to read it. While we could simply save the zipped file at this step, it is preferred to extract it to prevent headaches down the line.

Utilizing the urllib library, we can extract the downloaded files to the specified folder. Notably, I use the operating system interface method getcwd while extracting the file to save the resulting csv file into the directory where this script is running. Following this, the extracted file is closed.

We will be using an csv files to specify date ranges instead of for loops as shown in the Python example above. The advantage of using the csv files rather than indexing i=2001:2010 is that if you have a list of non-consecutive months or years, it is sometimes easier to just make a list of the years and cycle through all of the elements of the list rather than trying to figure out how to index the years directly. However, in this example, it would be just as easy to index through the years and month rather than the csv file.

This first block of code sets the working directory and reads in two csv files from the directory. The first csv file contains a list of the years 2001-2010. The second CSV file lists out the months January-December as numbers.

pCallerA pointer to the controlling IUnknown interface of the calling ActiveX component, if the caller is an ActiveX component. If the calling application is not an ActiveX component, this value can be set to NULL. Otherwise, the caller is a COM object that is contained in another component, such as an ActiveX control in the context of an HTML page. This parameter represents the outermost IUnknown of the calling component. The function attempts the download in the context of the ActiveX client framework, and allows the caller container to receive callbacks on the progress of the download.

lpfnCBA pointer to the IBindStatusCallback interface of the caller. By using IBindStatusCallback::OnProgress, a caller can receive download status. URLDownloadToFile calls the IBindStatusCallback::OnProgress and IBindStatusCallback::OnDataAvailable methods as data is received. The download operation can be canceled by returning E_ABORT from any callback. This parameter can be set to NULL if status is not required.

URLDownloadToFile binds to a host that supports IBindHost to perform the download. To do this, it first queries the controlling IUnknown passed as pCaller for IServiceProvider, then calls IServiceProvider::QueryService with SID_SBindHost. If pCaller does not support IServiceProvider, IOleObject or IObjectWithSite is used to query the object's host container. If no IBindHost interface is supported, or pCaller is NULL, URLDownloadToFile creates its own bind context to intercept download notifications.

URLDownloadToFile returns S_OK even if the file cannot be created and the download is canceled. If the szFileName parameter contains a file path, ensure that the destination directory exists before calling URLDownloadToFile. For best control over the download and its progress, an IBindStatusCallback interface is recommended.

Windows Internet Explorer 8. URLDownloadToFile does not support IBindStatusCallbackEx and cannot be used to download files over 4 gigabytes (GB) in size. Refer instead to IBindStatusCallbackEx::GetBindInfoEx for a code example.

PLEASE NOTE - The design of the website used in this video has changed since the video was recorded. This means that the code shown in the video no longer works. The downloadable file contains both the original version of the code and a version which works with the current version of the website.Excel VBA doesn't have a native method for downloading files from websites but you can declare an API function that will enable you to do this. This video takes you through the process of declaring the API function and using it in your code, along with a bunch of other useful techniques such as using folder pickers, creating folders with FileSystemObjects and opening a Windows Explorer window using the Shell function. 2ff7e9595c

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